Site History
August 20, 2002~ Added Ratboy Issue 2. Noticed over 13,000 hits! Wow! That's about 5,000 hits in the past year. Not bad for a personal page. That averages about 13 hits a day. My webpage turned 4 years old on Jan 12th.
August 19, 2002~ Added the Infinity page; a section for some computer art I have been working on. In case you didn't know, I had a brain hemmorhage on November 26, was in the hospital for two weeks, came home, then on December 16 had Gamma Knife Surgery, which alleviated the major headaches. The hemmorhage was caused by an AVM, an ArterioVascular Malformation, which was present since birth. The gamma knife zapped it, and I feel almost as good as new now. Thanks for your concern.
June 26, 2001~ Added the Ratboy! comic strip. Hope its turns into something cool and funny! Noticed 8913 hits to my web page. I switched guestbooks recently because the old one stopped working. I dont like the new format as much, I wish my old one never quit! But you can still check out the archived entries. I havent been working on my page a lot in the last 2 years but maybe this ratboy thing will give me something to work on... Byt the way I am applying at UVA Wise for the fall. Wish me luck on finances.hehe :)
September 23, 1999~ Noticed over 2000 hits to my web page. Recently added a download page.
June 26, 2001~ Added the Ratboy! comic strip. Hope its turns into something cool and funny! Noticed 8913 hits to my web page. I switched guestbooks recently because the old one stopped working. I dont like the new format as much, I wish my old one never quit! But you can still check out the archived entries. I havent been working on my page a lot in the last 2 years but maybe this ratboy thing will give me something to work on...
July 04, 1999~ Noticed over 1000 hits to my web page.
April 24, 1999~ Added "What is the monolith?" to the 2001 page, updated the superlinks page.
February 5, 1999~I've had some computer trouble lately, haven't been able to update my page much. Recently I've put The Absolute End back up, and updated the sitemap.
January 12, 1999~My webpage turns one year old!! It's been a good year, my page has seen two major makeovers. Thanks to all the people who visited my site and signed my guestbook!! My goals for the upcoming year are to increase the size and depth of the labyrinth, and provide you with more music, links, and information.
December 4, 1998~Added 3 new mp3's!, amber.mp3, joop.mp3, and jasper.mp3. However they are at my geocities site.
November 2, 1998~Moved my whole site to Tripod. Geocities Sucks! As a result the counters are gone, except at entrance. Also, you have to go to Geocities to sign my guestbook. Added frames system to my music world. Hope you like the changes I've made! Added a java area.
September 16, 1998~Added two more Ivory Coast Marauders mp3's; Sapphire and Emerald. Renamed ivory.mp3 to ruby.mp3, and renamed ivory2rem.mp3 to topaz.mp3
September 10, 1998~Added java applets
August 9, 1998~Site re-overhaul complete.Removed Star Wars and The Absolute End
August 6, 1998~Updated the Cig Central midi to sound better on all computers!
August 3, 1998~Began site re-overhaul
July 27, 1998~Added some Miles links and album covers
July 26, 1998~Added The Mahavishnu Orchestra article and songs, and more Miles Davis songs to the Music page.
July 16, 1998~Combined Supercomputers with 2001.
July 15, 1998~Updated the superlinks page with new links.
July 12, 1998~Added The Sun and The Jovian System to the Planetary Adventures page. Took first version down.
July 11, 1998~Added page hit counters.
July 10, 1998~Added the Planets and StarWars pages.Removed the Guestworld Guestbook.Added a new Ivory Coast Marauders mp3 and remastered the old one!
July 9, 1998~Added this What's New? section. I've recently added some Miles Davis songs and links, as well as info and a new mp3 of my latest group, The Ivory Coast Marauders
January 12, 1998~My webpage goes online.